Weekly Political Update, Tuesday 23 April 2019
General Situation
* Palestinian leadership will be compelled to take drastic actions. PLO / Fatah officials said that the Palestinian leadership will be forced to take drastic actions including total boycott of the US and Israel including security channels. The officials said that this move is not an optional but compulsory one should Israel move with its intent to annex West Bank settlements. The officials said that the leadership is aware that such a move, coupled with the harsh financial situation, could lead to the collapse of the PA. Note: Reliable PLO officials said that President Abbas told the Arab Foreign Ministers during the closed session in Cairo on Sunday, that the Palestinian leadership will be forced to stop all forms of contacts with the US and Israel including security channels. He however said that this depends on the course of action that the new Israeli government will take after it is formed particularly with regards to the possible annexation of West Bank territories, and the imposition of the notorious deal of the century.
* President Abbas on a foreign tour/ sending envoys. Horizon Central had reported on the Palestinian plan to confront the US deal of the century last week,. The plan includes sending PA/PLO envoys to many countries and arranging for President Abbas to attend the Islamic Summit and possibly a meeting with the EU Foreign Ministers during their meeting in Brussels as well as other such activities. See under public statements for more details.
*President Abbas will be holding extensive consultations during the coming week to discuss the agenda and anticipated decisions that will be taken by the PLO Central Council next month.
*President Abbas will attend the Islamic Summit in KSA. See under public statements for more details. Horizon Center had reported earlier that contacts were underway to hold an Islamic Summit meeting. The meeting is held on request from the state of Palestine.
Exact date of the PLO Central Council meeting: senior PLO officials said that the statement made by PNC/PCC speaker Salim Zannoun about holding the PCC meeting on 15 May is inaccurate. The PLO officials said that the exact date will be set at a later stage following internal consultations, noting that the meeting should only be held once the new Israeli government is formed, and the next US move on the deal of the century is clear. The officials said that the PLO central council meeting is meant to take decisions to confront the Israeli and US practices. The officials also said that the exact date will be determined in light of these developments.
Political dynamics
Factions put pressure on Abbas and Fatah re PLO Central Council meeting: senior PLO / Fatah officials said that several PLO factions opposed the statement made by PNC speaker Salim Zannoun yesterday to the effect that the central council meeting will be held on 15 May. The factions demanded holding consultations on the exact agenda and timing of holding this meeting. The factions who opposed the move were the PFLP and DFLP, the second and third largest PLO factions. The factions’ main point is that the central council and the national council had already taken such decisions in past meetings including revoking Palestinian recognition in Israel, stopping security coordination and disengaging from all economic ties to Israel. The factions told Fatah that none of these decisions have been implemented and therefore they want to ensure that the next central council meeting will be about implementing these decisions and not just using the meeting for tactical purposes. The Fatah officials said that more consultations including with those factions will be held next week to determine the agenda and timing of the meeting.
Political statements/ developments
President Abbas on a foreign tour/ sending envoys: Senior PA/ PLO official Azam al Ahmad announced that President Abbas will start a tour to a number of countries during the coming month before the meeting of the PLO Central Council meeting. Al Ahmad said that the tour will include Islamic and European countries. He also said that President Abbas will send letters with envoys to a number of world leaders. Al Ahmad said that President Abbas will hold extensive meetings with the PLO executive committee in the coming week upon his return to Ramallah. He said that the executive committee will prepare its report that will be submitted to the PLO central council during its upcoming meeting. Al Ahmad said that the central council will discuss mechanisms to implement the previously taken PNC/PCC decision to revoke Palestinian recognition in Israel, stopping security coordination and other decisions.
President Abbas to attend the Islamic Summit in KSA: President Abbas Diplomatic Affairs Advisor Majdi al Khaldi announced yesterday that President Abbas will take part in the Islamic Countries Summit which will be held in the second half of May in Saudi Arabia. He said that the summit meeting is called for by KSA and is meant to discuss the Israeli practices and the US violations of international law. He said that t58 countries will attend the summit and will issue a set of decisions to confront the dangerous circumstances facing the Palestinian cause. Al Khaldi said that President Abbas will meet with King Salman on the margins on the summit meeting.
The PA cabinet weekly meeting/statement: the PA cabinet praised in its weekly meeting/ statement the outcome of the Arab foreign ministers emergency meeting, and called upon world countries to withdraw the passports of their citizens residing in illegal colonial settlements and take appropriate legal measures against them. The cabinet called for a unified Arab position against the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’. The cabinet also called upon world countries, especially the European Union, to take effective measures towards the recognition of the State of Palestine on the borders of June 4, 1967 to save the two-state solution instead of condemnations and rejection. The cabinet called upon international and Arab countries to form an International joint network to sponsor the political process confronting the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’ and to support the initiative of President Abbas calling for holding an international peace conference. PM Shtayya welcomed the convening of the Palestinian Central Council session in mid-May, and expressed his full commitment to the decisions to be issued during this session. The cabinet congratulated the Christian community on the on the sacred holiday of Easter and announced Sunday, 28 April 2019, a national holiday.
Deputy PM Nabil Abu Rudeineh delivered a letter to the Emir of Kuwait: During a meeting with the Emir of Kuwait, Nabil Abu Rudeineh delivered a letter from President Abbas to the Emir. In a press statement, Abu Rudeineh thanked Kuwait for their support to the Palestinian people and cause. The Emir of Kuwait said that the Kuwaiti position is firm in supporting the Palestinians and stressed that Kuwait will not spare any effort in defending Jerusalem. Note: PA officials said that Kuwait had pledged to fulfill its part in providing the Palestinians with financial support including extra sum as part of the Arab safety net. The PA officials said that the meeting tackled this issue in particular.
Other developments/ Security incidents
Public support to families of prisoners: The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society and the Physicians Syndicate signed an agreement to exempt the families of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails from paying doctors’ fees in private clinics. Head of the prisoners club Madura Fares, said during the agreement signing ceremony that the agreement, which covers first-degree relatives of prisoners comes to relieve economic burdens on the families of prisoners.
Easing restrictions during the month of Ramadan: The Israeli COGAT announced easing restrictions during the month of Ramadan and Eid al Fiter. The Israeli COGAT announced the admission for prayers in the Al-Aqsa Mosque for men under the age of 16 and over the age of 40, and women of all ages, without a permit. Men between the ages of 30 and 40 are required to obtain an entry permit via the Palestinian Coordination Office. Issuance of 150,000 entry permits for married couples for familial visits, without age limitation, between Sunday and Thursday, 08:00-22:00, during the course of Eid al-Fitr as well. Issuance of 700 visitation permits in Judea and Samaria to relatives arriving from Arab countries. Issuance of 700 flight permits for Palestinian residents via Ben-Gurion airport. Extension of hours of operation at West Bank crossings. PA officials downplayed the significance of these measures announced by the Israeli COGAT.
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